31. 1. 2023

Vážení zákazníci, 
rádi bychom Vás jménem společnosti SepSolve Analytical pozvali na 2. ročník online semináře věnovaný ženám ve vědě a zaměřený na GC aplikace napříč obory.  

Webinář se bude konat 10. 2. od 9.30 hodin nebo od 16.30 hodin. V rámci registrace si vyberete Vámi preferovaný čas.

Registrace zde

Katelynn Perrault (Chaminade University, USA)
Aromas of the ʻaina – GC×GC for Hawaiian natural products analysis.

In this presentation, Dr Perrault will take us on a journey through the aromas of Hawaii, using flow-modulated GC×GC–MS to compare complex natural products such as sandalwood, poi and kava.

Francesca De Falco (University of Plymouth, UK)
Investigating the fate of microplastics in the environment by Py/TD–GC×GC–TOF MS: the case of biodegradable plastic.

The fate of microplastics in the environment is a topic of global concern. Here, Dr. De Falco will introduce a one-of-a-kind Py/TD–GC×GC–TOF MS platform to characterise biodegradable plastics and gain understanding of their degradation mechanisms in the environment.

Hilal Ezgi Toraman (Penn State University, USA)
Comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography (GC×GC) method development for detailed characterization of pyrolysis oils.

With the global push to move towards a circular economy, there is increased focus on sustainable fuels, such as those from pyrolysis of solid plastic waste. Here, Dr Toraman will show how GC×GC can provide detailed characterisation of pyrolysis oil composition, to identify possible contaminants and help to refine process design.


V případě zájmu o další informace kontaktujte
Jitka Zrostlíková 
Produktový specialista (LC/MS, GC/MS QQQ, QTOF)
606 047 034



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