3. 11. 2020
Rádi bychom Vás jménem Agilent Technologies pozvali na již druhé živé vysílání Agilent 2020 GC/Q-TOF Virtual User Forum, které se uskuteční 12. 11. od 13.30 hodin.
Broadcast at 1:30 PM CET
Forgot to perform mass calibration? Let me help you with that.Ensure your data is accurate, precise, relevant. See the options for correcting spectral data / Speaker: Tomi Hamalainen, Application Chemist, Agilent Technologies, Germany
Broadcast at 2:30 PM CET
Introduction to a GC/MS Screener using MassHunter for Doping Control / Speaker: Wim Van Gansbeke, DocoLab, University of Ghent, Belgium
Virtual coffee break at 4:00 PM - 4:45 PM CET